& Why a CRM Isn't Just a CRM


Welcome to the first edition of my new "Deep Dive" newsletter series!

Every three weeks, I’ll take an in-depth look at powerful tech tools and uncover hidden features and strategies that can transform the way you do business.

My goal is to help you unlock the full potential of these tools and stay ahead of the competition.

This week, I’m diving into HubSpot. You might think of HubSpot as just a CRM, but it’s so much more.

Keep reading for six innovative ways to use HubSpot beyond traditional customer relationship management.


1. Marketing Automation

What It Is: HubSpot’s marketing automation tools manage your email marketing, lead nurturing, and social media scheduling all in one place.

Key Features:

  • Workflows: Create automated email sequences to nurture leads.

  • Email Templates: Design and use customizable templates for various campaigns.

  • Social Media Scheduling: Plan and publish posts across platforms.

Why It Matters: Automating your marketing tasks saves time and ensures consistency. By setting up workflows, you can send personalized content to leads based on their interactions with your brand, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Best Use: Create detailed workflows that cater to different customer journeys. For example, use automated emails to follow up with leads who have downloaded a resource or attended a webinar. Marketing automation can increase conversion rates by providing timely and personalized content to your audience​ (HubSpot Blog)​​

Learn more here:

2. Content Management System (CMS)

What It Is: HubSpot’s CMS allows you to create, edit, and manage website content effortlessly.

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Easily build and customize pages without coding.

  • SEO Recommendations: Get real-time advice on improving your content’s search engine ranking.

  • Smart Content: Personalize website content for different visitors.

Why It Matters: A robust CMS helps you maintain an optimized website that attracts and engages visitors. SEO recommendations can significantly boost your site’s visibility on search engines.

Best Use: Regularly update your blog with relevant, SEO-optimized content to attract and engage your audience. Marketers using high-quality data see significant improvements in their campaigns​ (HubSpot Blog)​.

Learn more here:

3. Sales Pipeline Management

What It Is: HubSpot’s sales tools help you track and manage deals from start to finish.

Key Features:

  • Deal Stages: Customize stages to fit your sales process.

  • Email Tracking: Know when a prospect opens your email or clicks a link.

  • Task Automation: Automate follow-up tasks to stay on top of leads.

Why It Matters: Managing your sales pipeline effectively ensures you never miss an opportunity and can close deals more efficiently.

Best Use: Use deal stages to monitor the progress of each deal and automate reminders to follow up with prospects. According to HubSpot, sales professionals using AI and automation tools are 52% more likely to exceed their goals​ (HubSpot Blog)​.

Learn more here:

4. Customer Service Tools

What It Is: HubSpot’s service tools help you manage and respond to customer inquiries efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Ticketing System: Track and manage customer issues.

  • Knowledge Base: Create a self-service library for common questions.

  • Customer Feedback: Collect feedback to improve your service.

Why It Matters: Exceptional customer service builds loyalty and improves retention rates. Self-service options can reduce the load on your support team and provide customers with quick answers.

Best Use: Implement a knowledge base to empower customers to find answers independently. Companies with strong self-service options report higher customer satisfaction​ (HubSpot Blog)​.

Learn more here:

5. Analytics and Reporting

What It Is: HubSpot’s analytics tools provide deep insights into your marketing, sales, and service performance.

Key Features:

  • Dashboard: Centralize key metrics in one place.

  • Custom Reports: Create reports tailored to your specific needs.

  • Attribution Reporting: Understand which efforts are driving the most results.

Why It Matters: Data-driven decisions are more effective. Analytics tools help you understand your customers better and optimize your strategies.

Best Use: Regularly review your dashboards and reports to identify trends and adjust your strategies accordingly. Marketers with high-quality data are 215% more likely to say their marketing strategy was effective​ (HubSpot Blog)​.

Learn more here:

6. Integrations

What It Is: HubSpot integrates with numerous other apps, allowing you to create a unified tech stack.

Key Features:

  • App Marketplace: Access a wide range of integrations.

  • API: Build custom integrations to suit your needs.

  • Data Sync: Ensure consistent data across all platforms.

Why It Matters: Seamlessly connecting your tools enhances efficiency and data accuracy.

Best Use: Integrate HubSpot with your favorite tools, like Slack or Zoom, to streamline communication and collaboration. Integrations help maintain updated and consistent data, which is crucial for effective operations​ (HubSpot Blog)​.

Learn more here:

7. Getting Creative

What It Is: HubSpot can be used for many other processes, such as project tracking, applicant tracking, etc. If you’ve used it you’ve noticed the Pipelines and Stages are just like a Kanban board. You can easily add variables to Contacts, Companies and Deals and then track anything you want via Stages.


  • Project Tracking: Use pipelines to manage various projects within your organization with stages like Planning, Execution, Monitoring, Review, and Completion. This ensures that projects are tracked and managed effectively.

  • Event Planning and Management: Create a pipeline for managing events with stages such as Planning, Sponsorship Acquisition, Marketing, Registration, Event Day, and Follow-Up. This can streamline the event management process and ensure all tasks are covered.

  • Recruitment and Onboarding: Use a pipeline to manage the recruitment process with stages like Application Received, Initial Screening, Interview Scheduled, Offer Extended, and Hired. Another pipeline can manage employee onboarding with stages like Paperwork, Training, Role Assignment, and Full Integration.

  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Create a pipeline for managing partnerships and collaborations with stages such as Initial Contact, Proposal Sent, Negotiation, Agreement Signed, and Partnership Live. This helps in systematically managing external relationships.

  • Vendor and Supplier Management: Create a pipeline for managing relationships with vendors and suppliers with stages like Vendor Selection, Contract Negotiation, Onboarding, Performance Review, and Contract Renewal/Termination.

Why It Matters: Using a single tool to manage many processes in your business is powerful, especially one that enables workflow automation to such a high extent.


The magic of HubSpot lies in its versatility.

By exploring and utilizing these features, you can streamline your processes, enhance customer interactions, and drive growth.

Think of HubSpot not just as a CRM, but as a comprehensive business solution.


HubSpot is more than just a tool; it's a business enabler.

By fully leveraging HubSpot’s capabilities, you’re not just managing relationships; you’re optimizing your entire business workflow.

This leads to better customer experiences, more efficient operations, and ultimately, higher revenue.

Stay tuned for my next deep dive in three weeks, where I'll uncover more hidden gems in the world of tech tools.

Until next time,


P.S. Need help unlocking the full potential of HubSpot? Reach out for personalized advice on integrating these powerful tools into your workflow! Book a private, 45-min tech coaching session with me. Learn more and view my availability here. Spots are filling up!

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