& Driving Engagement, Loyalty, and Revenue.


Your brand is only as strong as the community behind it.

That’s not just a trend; it’s a game-changer.

According to CMX Hub, companies with strong communities see increased engagement, better customer retention, and even improved decision-making​.

Imagine building a community where your customers don’t just buy—they belong. Where they find value not just in your products but in the connections they make with others.

That’s the power of a well-built online community.

But here’s the kicker: Not all community platforms are created equal. Some fizzle out faster than a New Year’s resolution, while others grow into thriving ecosystems that boost engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, your bottom line.

So how do you know which platform to use to cultivate a community that thrives?

Let’s discuss my top recommendations…


Circle: Your Community’s Command Center
↳ The platform that makes it easy to create, manage, and grow a community all in one place.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Spaces: Create forums, chat rooms, and content areas tailored to your community's needs.

  • Integrations: Seamlessly connect with tools like Zoom, Slack, and Mailchimp to streamline your operations.

  • Member Analytics: Track engagement and identify top contributors to keep your community active.

🤔 What if you had a platform that made managing a community as easy as sending an email? Circle turns chaos into cohesion.

Skool: Where Learning and Community Meet
↳ A platform that blends online courses and community interaction into one seamless experience.

Key Features:

  • Course Creation: Easily create and sell online courses to your community members.

  • Gamification: Keep members engaged with points, badges, and leaderboards.

  • Content Library: Organize resources in a way that’s easy for members to access and use.

🤔 Imagine a space where your community isn’t just talking but learning and growing together. Skool makes that happen.

Mighty Networks: Build a Thriving Brand Community
↳ A platform designed to bring your brand’s followers together into a connected, thriving community.

Key Features:

  • Custom Domains: Give your community its own unique space on the web.

  • Membership Tiers: Offer different levels of access and content to monetize your community.

  • Events & Live Streaming: Host webinars, workshops, and live chats directly on the platform.

🤔 What if your community felt like a bustling city rather than just another forum? Mighty Networks gives your brand a home to grow.

My suggestion:

  • If you need a flexible, all-in-one community platform: Go with Circle.

  • If you’re focusing on blending education with community: Skool is your best bet.

  • If you’re aiming to create a branded experience with monetization options: Choose Mighty Networks.


Building a community isn’t about just gathering people in a digital space; it’s about creating a sense of belonging, purpose, and shared value.

Here’s how the best in the business are turning their communities into vibrant ecosystems:

  • Engagement through Interaction: Tools like Circle’s customizable spaces allow members to find their niche, participate in meaningful discussions, and form genuine connections.

  • Learning Together: Skool’s unique blend of community and courses helps members grow together, transforming passive followers into active participants and learners.

  • Monetization with Meaning: Mighty Networks’ membership tiers and events enable you to offer real value while generating revenue. This creates a sustainable community that benefits both you and your members.

When these platforms are used strategically, they don’t just build communities—they build movements.


A strong community platform doesn’t just support your brand; it amplifies it.

A study by Higher Logic found that, 88% of branded communities report a positive impact on customer experience, and 72% have seen an increase in website traffic due to their community.

Here’s why these tools work:

  • Ease of Use: The best community platforms are designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for both you and your members to navigate, participate, and manage interactions. This simplicity allows you to focus on building relationships rather than getting bogged down by technical difficulties.

  • Scalable Growth: Community platforms are built to grow with your brand. Whether you're starting small or expanding rapidly, these tools can scale to accommodate more members, more content, and more engagement without sacrificing quality or user experience.

  • Revenue Potential: A well-structured community can be a significant revenue stream. By offering tiered memberships, exclusive content, or even paid events, community platforms allow you to monetize your audience in a way that feels natural and valuable to your members.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Community platforms foster deeper connections by providing spaces for meaningful interactions. Whether through discussion forums, events, or collaborative projects, these platforms keep your members engaged and invested in your brand.

  • Feedback Loop: Communities provide direct access to your customers' thoughts and opinions, enabling a continuous feedback loop. This allows you to quickly adapt to their needs, improve your offerings, and stay ahead of the competition.

A thriving community doesn’t just support your brand—it amplifies it by turning customers into evangelists.

By leveraging a strong community platform, you’re not just gathering users—you’re building a network that drives engagement, loyalty, and revenue.

Investing in community is a smart move that leads to better customer retention, higher lifetime value, and a brand that truly connects with its audience.

Embrace community platforms, and watch your business grow.

Until next time,


P.S. Not sure which community platform is right for you? I’m here to help you figure it out. Whether you're looking to boost engagement, grow your audience, or monetize your community, I can guide you through the options. Just reach out—I'm only a message away! Book a private, 45-min tech coaching session with me. Learn more and view my availability here.

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