45 mins — $ 149 USD 

My focus is on helping you make strategic decisions that not only save costs but also drive revenue through smart digital investments. Whether you're seeking to digitally transform your business today or future-proof it for the next five years, my tailored coaching sessions are designed to position you at the forefront of your industry. 

In this session, you’ll receive: 

  • Personalized Tech Strategies: Gain insights tailored to your business needs for enhanced efficiency and innovation.

  • Competitive Advantage: Master new technologies to distinguish your business in the digital market.

  • Tech Problem-Solving Skills: Equip yourself to solve tech challenges, improving business operations.

  • Strategic Tech Decision Making: Make informed choices on tech investments for greater ROI.

  • A Tech-Savvy Culture: Cultivate a team proficient in technology, encouraging continuous learning.

  • Optimized Operations: Streamline processes with tech solutions to increase productivity and profits.

  • A Future-Ready Business: Prepare for the digital future by understanding current and emerging tech trends.

After our video call, you’ll receive: 

  • A recording of our meeting to revisit as needed 

  • A Digital Readiness Checklist (value $97)

  • A roadmap of actionable next steps to take to accelerate your digital transformation 

How to reserve your spot: 

About Me: 

  • Unique background in management, technology, and entrepreneurship 

  • Successfully built and exited a seven-figure tech business 

  • Expert in driving business growth and cost savings through digital transformation 

  • Dedicated to helping businesses harness technology for efficiency and competitive edge 

What I specialize in: 

Digital Transformation & Strategy 

  • Building a solid tech foundation for your business 

  • Identifying and integrating technology for immediate and long-term competitive advantages 

  • Planning for future tech trends and their impact on your industry 

Cost-Efficiency & Revenue Growth 

  • Leveraging technology to reduce operational costs 

  • Utilizing digital tools and platforms to open new revenue streams 

Leadership & Management in Tech 

  • Leading tech teams and projects to success 

  • Balancing tech investments with business growth objectives 

  • Helping kickstart businesses into the digital space

Future-Proofing Your Business 

  • Keeping your business ahead in the tech curve 

  • Strategic planning for 5 years down the line in the tech landscape 

I’m excited to guide you through your digital transformation journey and unlock the full potential of your business in the digital era. 

What clients are saying:


“Shawn's guidance on restructuring my MSP IT company has been truly invaluable in catalyzing essential transformations to our business model. His insights have played a pivotal role in helping establish a sustainable and robust future marketing engine for our organization.”


“It was a great pleasure talking with Shawn about business strategy and growth. He helped me evaluate my business ideas with an outside perspective and gave me some excellent advice on how to expand my connections. I am very thankful for Shawn's expertise.” 


“Shawn's services allowed us to pinpoint some glaring weaknesses in our digital strategies, namely digital security and inter-staff communication. We're well on the way to addressing these key issues with the plan Shawn helped us develop.”


“My initial consult with Shawn was super insightful. He was able to zero in on what I was wanting to accomplish and we came up with an engagement plan pretty quick.  Also really appreciated the zero pressure mentality of the initial meeting.  Definitely worth the time to talk to Shawn as he’s got a wealth of knowledge and experience to pull from.” 


“Sitting down with Shawn even only for a short while to discuss my web development business was extremely valuable. Shawn asks poignant questions that drill down to your core offering, helps you articulate what sets you apart, and immediately generates multiple suggestions and ideas to consider for taking your business to the next level. A brief meeting with Shawn goes a long way for business planning.” 


“I appreciated the opportunity to chat. Shawn offered a couple of actionable suggestions I found useful to help improve our marketing to prospective MSP clients.”


“Shawn was able to help our video production company (2C Media) identify several areas of improvement in regards to inefficiencies that can be mitigated by adopting and utilizing different tech platforms, alongside other areas where we simply needed a step-by-step process and estimated budget in order to nudge us in the right direction. We plan to utilize Shawn's plan, alongside the BDC loan to improve our business efficiencies and ultimately provide a better experience for our customers.”


“Working with Shawn was a great experience. He helped our Smoky Trout Farm Ltd. team quantify where we were digitally and identify what we could do to improve our utilization of digital technologies to make our business more efficient and ultimately profitable.”